Apa alamat IP saya?
Alamat IP asli Anda sekarang terekspos, siapa pun dapat melacak keberadaan Anda!
Alamat IP Anda:
Penyedia layanan internet:

Apa itu alamat IP?
Alamat IP adalah singkatan dari "Internet Protocol Address". Secara sederhana, alamat IP adalah nomor informasi lokasi unik dari setiap perangkat yang terhubung ke Internet. Dengan alamat IP, Anda dapat menemukan perangkat di antara semua perangkat di Internet.
How to hide and change IP address?
All of the steps can be done in Turbo VPN.Here is a simple guide to change IP address with VPN:
Download VPN
Connect to a server location where you want to change your IP address
Check IP address to ensure the real IP is well hidden.
What is VPN?
VPN is the abbreviation for Virtual Private Network. It creates a secure and encrypted connection between your devices and remote servers in different locations, allowing you to change IP address to the remote server location though the connection.
How to get and use VPN?
1. Pick a subscription with 30-day free trial, or just use free VPN services.
2. Download Turbo VPN on Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS or your desired device.
3. Tap your desired server location, then your IP address will be changed and you can check your new IP location on Turbo VPN screen.
Why need to change IP address?
Changing IP address with a VPN is the key for the network security and freedom.

Protect online privacy
Keep your IP anonymous even when connected to public WiFi hotspots. No one can track your real IP address and online activities.

Bypass geo-restrictions
Help you access the content like websites, apps, video games, social media, which are restricted, blocked or filtered in your region.
Alamat IP Publik vs. Alamat IP Pribadi
Perbedaan yang paling jelas adalah, alamat IP publik digunakan oleh jaringan publik, sedangkan alamat IP privat hanya digunakan oleh jaringan area lokal dan tidak dapat diakses secara langsung dari jaringan publik. Berikut adalah rincian lebih lanjut:
Apa itu alamat IP publik?
Setiap alamat IP publik ditetapkan oleh Penyedia Layanan Internet (ISP), yang unik dan dapat diidentifikasi, ditemukan, dan dilacak di Internet.
Apa itu alamat IP pribadi?
Alamat IP pribadi ditetapkan oleh administrator jaringan untuk komunikasi internal dalam jaringan pribadi lokal seperti jaringan rumah dan jaringan internal perusahaan, yang tidak unik secara global dan dapat disembunyikan dari dunia luar.
What can someone do if my IP address reveal?
Real IP address reveal means that all information associated with your IP can be obtained, monitored and tracked by others.
Hackers and Cybercriminals
They can use your IP information below for various illegal purposes such as cyber attacks or hacking into your account.
- City
- Country
- State
Hosts of Websites and Online Services
They can record your online behavior and habits based the information below to push ads or sell them to third-party services.
- Metadata
- Cookies
- Online activities
Government Agencies and ISPs
They can use the technique to block, filter and monitor the online content based on your IP address information.
- Access control
- User identification
- Online speech
- Browse content

Sekarang saatnya mengganti alamat IP dengan Turbo VPN!
Turbo VPN menyediakan 21000+ server di 111 lokasi, yang dapat membantu Anda menyembunyikan alamat IP dan mengubah alamat IP Anda ke mana pun yang Anda inginkan! Hindari risiko pengungkapan alamat IP dan lindungi privasi online di ujung jari Anda!
Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan tentang alamat IP
Apa itu IPv4?
Apa itu IPv6?
Bagaimana cara menemukan alamat IP saya?
Apakah legal menggunakan VPN untuk mengubah alamat IP?
Bagaimana cara menemukan alamat IP seseorang?
Hide IP Address to Protect Privacy Right Now!
Change IP address on Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS and your other digital devices to anywhere outside of your region with 111 VPN locations provided by Turbo VPN.
Turbo VPN offers 30-Day VPN Free Trial Guarantee, which makes sure that you can receive a full refund within the first 30 days if you are not satisfied with the subscription plan.